Our Japanese style bags and wallets can be divided in two categories. Traditional style bags, such as "drawstring bags" and small coin purses, that originally were worn with kimono or "yukata" and make for a great Japanese souvenir or accessory; Or modern style bags and wallets made with authentic Japanese materials, patterns and craftsmanship. 

Most of our line-up is handcrafted and painted. Materials such as lacquered deer leather or artisanal denim not only add beauty, and unique Japanese features and design, but also durability that allow you to use your items for years.

Bags & Wallets

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  • KOSHO 100% Cotton Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Shocking Pink


    KOSHO 100% Cotton Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Shocking Pink

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap


    KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Blue


    KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Blue

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Ivory


    KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Ivory

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Olive


    KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Olive

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Shocking Pink


    KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Shocking Pink

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Yellow


    KOSHO 100% Denim Pouch ougi IV with leather strap Yellow

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Accordion Bag with Denim and Canvas


    KOSHO ougi Accordion Bag with Denim and Canvas

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas 2WAY Briefcase, Black/Red


    KOSHO ougi Canvas 2WAY Briefcase, Black/Red

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas Bag, "Bag in Bag" style KOSHO ougi Canvas Bag, "Bag in Bag" style


    KOSHO ougi Canvas Bag, "Bag in Bag" style

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Blue


    KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Blue

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Ivory


    KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Ivory

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Pink


    KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Pink

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Red


    KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Black/Red

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Ivory/Red


    KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Ivory/Red

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Light Grey/Pink


    KOSHO ougi Canvas elegant Pochette, Light Grey/Pink

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Canvas Tote Bag, MH Red/Black Medium


    KOSHO ougi Canvas Tote Bag, MH Red/Black Medium

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...
  • KOSHO ougi Compact Canvas Hand Bag PH, Prussian blue


    KOSHO ougi Compact Canvas Hand Bag PH, Prussian blue

    Hand-dyed Textile Bags from KyotoThe design of the KOSHO bags has been inspired by the folds of Kimono and the shape of folding fans. Each bag has the "Canvas Ougi" motif adding a modern combination of color and dynamism. The hems of the bag open double...