Handmade Mino Paper Origami Sheets TRADITIONAL WAVES Pattern

Handmade Mino Paper Origami Sheets TRADITIONAL WAVES Pattern
150×150mm 3 colors × 2 sheets with a total of 6 sheets per pack.
IEDA paper craft has been producing fine handmade Washi paper for over 128 years and are now run by the 4th generation; Manabu Ieda. Originally specialized in processing their paper for Japanese paper lanterns, Mr. Ieda realized that with the decrease in traditional crafts, and the Japanese market as a whole, they would have to innovate in order to keep their business and craft alive.
Their motto now is: "No matter how beautiful a piece of paper is, it has no value unless it can find a meaning and purpose in people???s daily life". With this, they did not only decide to create products for a modern audience, but also to introduce their beloved traditional craft o the rest of the world!
They explain: Only a connoisseur will appreciate the high-quality Washi paper by itself. The only way to successfully revive the Washi industry is by creating products that are part of people???s daily life and introduce modern forms accessible to everyone. By proposing these new products, made with traditional methods, their aim is to provide ???the sustainable and authentic ???beauty of utility??? in modern life???.
Material: Japanese paper: pulp, rayon