Classic White Soy Sauce 360ml

Classic White Soy Sauce 360ml
YAMASHIN Classic White Soy Sauce, 360ml
???Sh??yu???, or soy sauce, is a very important ingredient in the Japanese kitchen used as a base or to add flavor to a great number of well-known dishes. Sh??yu is a fermented product made from soy beans and wheat, and comes in various styles based on region and proportion of these two main ingredients. Originating in China, Sh??yu was introduced in Japan in the 7th century. The Japanese reading for sh??yu, ??????, literally reads ???fermented food oil???.
The most common type of Sh??yu, the dark-colored ???koikuchi??? (meaning thick flavor), usually made with equal amounts of soybeans and wheat, some added salt and yeast, and is typically used in the Kanto (e.g. Tokyo) area of Japan. This shoyu accounts for about 80% of the domestic market and is most likely the type available at your local supermarket or Asian store.
However, there are many more types of soy sauce out there, all with their own production process and ingredients to perfectly compliment your creations in the kitchen.
Fermenting food is a delicate process and whereas traditional Japanese companies often still follow original production methods, many mass-production companies choose to opt for a quicker, cheaper, chemical way to produce, and therefore are forced to add otherwise unnecessary. The Yamashin brewery has a history dating back to 1802 and works with 80 large barrels to ferment their products in the traditional way. Their sauces therefore have a more authentic and intense flavor than the ones made in modern tanks.