Kashiwagi Wind-bell "Fuchsia"

Kashiwagi Wind-bell "Fuchsia"
This wind chime, or "Furin" in japanese, has a simple shape but very fine details on it including little flowers on two sides and dots on the top part of the bell. The slightly green color is the natural color of the metal after being burned and shaped but the darker parts have been left to emphasize the design. The base of the bell has a darker color which was left this way to give a new dimension to it. Just like many Japanese craft it is beautiful in its simplicity. Being fully handmade, each piece is slightly different from another and thus unique. The specificity of Kashiwagi Art Foundry is the "?????? - Sahari" metal use for the creation of their "???????????? - Narimono" meaning bells. The sound of this wind chime is less musical but create the atmosphere of serenity that can be found in japanese temples.
Sahari is an alloy of copper and, at least, 20% of tin which gives its sturdiness and beautiful sound to the furin. However, in spite of its appearance, Odawara Furin are quite fragile and if they drop on the floor, the perfection of its shape will bend and the wind chime will not produce any sound. A great point with the Odawara Furin is the possibility of choosing the color of the Tanzaku, the piece of paper hanging from the bell which catches the wind.