hconcept KAGAMI MOCHI New Year's decoration

hconcept KAGAMI MOCHI New Year's decoration
Product size: S: ??80??90mm MS: ??120??H135mm M: ??160??H170mm
Product weight: S: 330g MS: M: 3.87kg
Material: Mochi: Diatomaceous earth from Akita Prefecture + pigment * All colors are natural materials.
Country of origin: Japan
Designed by SOIL: Using the skills of plasterers and natural materials such as diatomaceous earth, soil creates products that are friendly to people and the environment. Their work is characterized by a natural and comfortable design that condenses the blessings of nature while maintaining the characteristics of soil, which is excellent in moisture control, water absorption, and deodorization, and is attracting attention as a breathing material.
All SOIL diatomaceous earth products are produced in Japan and do not contain any asbestos.