We believe in transparency, so we’re providing the NIHON ICHIBAN Transparency Dashboard, where we are sharing latest information on how we support the family bussiness community and what we do to make our business as sustainable as possible. (Latest figures as of February 20, 2023)
Family Business Network
No. of Active Suppliers
Businesses from whom we purchase regularly.
No. of People Trained
This is the number of stakeholders of family businesses we inspired through speaking on seminars.
No. of Subscribers
The number of owners, key employees and other stakeholders of family businesses we reach through our monthy supplier newsletter.
Number of collaboration projects completed.
Number of companies without successors we saved through acquiring them.
Candidates Placed
Number of artisan candidates we successfully introduced to family businesses.
Whether it be our employees, our customers or the environment, at CHINRIU HONTEN we want to do the right thing! We are working with the VALUE RESEARCH CENTER related to the DOSHISHA University in Kyoto to apply a comprehensive system to measure how much value we create for all our stakeholders. We started implementation beginning of 2023 and will start reporting numbers in the second half of 2023 for below dimensions.

Value for Customers

Value for Employees

Value for Partners

Value for Society

Value for Nature

Value for the Firm & Shareholders